Guest Submissions

guitar lessons | Kevin Estrella, Pyramids On Mars™ | Building Melodic Themes from Arpeggios

Building Melodic Themes from Arpeggios (Spectre of Orion Chorus) Description (by Kevin Estrella) We look at the chorus of ‘Spectre of Orion’ by Pyramids on Mars. I show how I take a very dissonant chord progression (tri-tones) and put together a melody using arpeggios. By finding common notes shared among the chords we can put together a…

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guitar lessons | Kevin Estrella, Pyramids on Mars™ | Bach Inspired Pedaltone Melodies (BWV1006)

Description (by Kevin Estrella) A pedaltone melody inspired by J S Bach’s Lute Suite (BWV1006) Lesson here. Kevin is the guitarist and composer of instrumental rock band Pyramids on Mars™. His music is hard rock, industrial, and metal infused with lead guitar melodies inspired by violin melodies of Baroque classical composers Bach & Vivaldi. His…

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thebuzzr | Ramblin’ for Mental Health Concert

In support of those struggling with Mental Health and especially during these challenging times. Thank you Kent from Music 21 for always being there to support our community! Loucas Loucaides from Lucky Element Media did an outstanding job filming this video and to the Bolton Community Crew for your support. Thank you!  If you or someone you know…

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guitar lessons | Kevin Estrella, Pyramids on Mars™ | Diatonic 7ths Arpeggio Sequence Version II

Description (by Kevin Estrella) A 3-String arpeggio sweep that incorporate the 7th degree of the scale. (1, 3, 5, 7 degrees of the scale). Most guitar players use primarily Major and Minor arpeggios that use only 3 degrees of the scale (1, 3, 5). By incorporating the 7th degree of the scale we are able to create…

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guitar lessons | Kevin Estrella, Pyramids on Mars™ | Diatonic 7ths Arpeggio Sequence

Description A 3-String arpeggio sweep that incorporates the 7th degree of the scale. (1, 3, 5, 7 degrees of the scale) and uses the ricochet effect. Most guitar players use primarily Major and Minor arpeggios that use only 3 degrees of the scale (1, 3, 5) By incorporating the 7th degree of the scale we are able…

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