music trivia

thebuzzr media | music trivia | the week coming up

thebuzzr Independent Music Coverage music trivia the week coming up #gunsnroses #RIP #harrychapin #jimihendriz #themonkees #lollapalozza #nineinchnails #janesaddiction #pearljam #billboard #tommydorsey #franksinatra #RIP #longjohnbaldry #thedoors #elvispresley July 15, 2018 “November Rain” by Guns N’ Roses becomes the first ’90s video to pass a billion views on YouTube. The next closest ’90s video is “Zombie” by…

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thebuzzr | music trivia | the week coming up

thebuzzr Independent Music Coverage Music Trivia the week coming up #gunsnroses #RIP#jimmorrison #thedoors #ABBA #katyperry #davidbowie #ledzeppelin #prince July 2, 1991 At a Guns N’ Roses show in St. Louis, Axl Rose grows irate when he sees someone in the crowd taking pictures, and he leaves the stage, announcing, “Thanks to the lame-ass security, I’m…

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thebuzzr | music trivia | the week coming up

thebuzzr Independent Music Coverage Music Trivia the week coming up #gunsn’roses #michaeljackson #RIP #BobDylan #LambofGod #JohnEntwistle #RIP #davidbowie #johnlennon #brucespringsteen #marvelcomics #kiss #luthervandross #RIP June 24, 2008 A blogger who had thought it would be a good idea to leak some finished tracks from Guns N’ Roses’ Chinese Democracy receives a visit from the FBI…

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thebuzzr | music trivia | the week coming up

thebuzzr Independent Music Coverage Music Trivia the week coming up Sad week in music. Lost the great Clarence Clemons of E Street & Fred Astaire. And The Beatles began their final tour. 🧡🎶 … #blink182 #tomdelonge #RIP #clarenceclemons #estreetband #brucespringsteen #caroleking #neilyoung #longplayingvinyl #RIP #fredastaire #raycharles #thebeatles June 17, 2016 Tom DeLonge reveals his true…

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thebuzzr | music trivia | the week coming up

thebuzzr Independent Music Coverage thebuzzr | music trivia the week coming up #journey #PeterGabriel #Sting #WhitneyHouston #StevieWonder #freenelsonmadela #BruceSpringsteen #JacksonBrowne #JamesTaylor #LindaRonstadt #Gary”U.S.”Bonds #nonukesmovement #AlanisMorissette #TheBeatles #JimmyPage #LedZeppelin #Spirit #KatyPerry #DavidBowie June 10, 2007 In the last scene of the HBO series The Sopranos, “Don’t Stop Believin’” by Journey plays on the jukebox while Tony…

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