music trivia

thebuzzr | music trivia | the week coming up

thebuzzr Independent Music Coverage Music Trivia the week coming up in music #RIP #stevierayvaughan #thetragicallyhip #gorddownie #aliceinchains #thebeatles #johnlennon #UFOsighting #jeffbuckley #laurynhill #stevetyler #aerosmith  August 20, 2016 The Tragically Hip play their final concert, calling it quits at a show in lead singer Gord Downie’s hometown of Kingston, Ontario. Downie was diagnosed with terminal brain…

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thebuzzr | music trivia | the week coming up

thebuzzr Independent Music Coverage Music Trivia the week coming up in music #RIP August 16, 1977 #TheKing #Elvis Presley #metallica #bachmanturneroverdrive #michaeljackson #thebeatles #paulmccartney #jimihendrix #woodstock #wolfmanjack #themidnightspecial August 12, 2008 Metallica release “The Day That Never Comes,” the lead single from their ninth studio album, Death Magnetic. August 13, 1977 Bachman-Turner Overdrive announce that the…

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thebuzzr | music trivia | the week coming up

thebuzzr Independent Music Coverage Music Trivia the week coming up in music #RIP #carlolittle #therollingstones #thepolice #thebeatles #abbeyroad #RIP #jerrygarcia #thegratefuldead #RIP #eydiegorme #stevelawrence #keithmoon #thewho #RIP #lespaul #davidbowie August 6, 2005 Carlo Little (The Rolling Stones’ original drummer) dies of lung cancer at age 66 in Cleadon, Tyne and Wear, England. August 7, 2008…

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thebuzzr | music trivia | the week coming up

thebuzzr Independent Music Coverage music trivia the week coming up #SARS #therollingstones #theguesswho #rush #theisleybrothers #theflaminglips #justintimberlake #theeagles #MTV #edsheeran #wings #paulmccartney #BillboardTop100 #therunaways #joanjett #RIP #MarvinHamlisch #carlolittle #rickjames July 30, 2003  When the disease SARS spreads to Toronto, it scares a lot of people away. To get visitors back, the city puts on a…

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thebuzzr | music trivia | the week coming up

thebuzzr Independent Music Coverage Music Trivia the week coming up #littlerichard #RIP #amywinehouse #chubbychecker #ACDC #foofighters #Prince #brucespringsteen #clarenceclemons July 22, 1979 Little Richard, who has been preaching of his salvation throughout the United States, makes his famous statement, “If God can save an old homosexual like me, he can save anybody.” July 23, 2011…

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