music history

thebuzzr media | music trivia | the week coming up

thebuzzr Independent Music Coverage music trivia the week coming up #gunsnroses #RIP #harrychapin #jimihendriz #themonkees #lollapalozza #nineinchnails #janesaddiction #pearljam #billboard #tommydorsey #franksinatra #RIP #longjohnbaldry #thedoors #elvispresley July 15, 2018 “November Rain” by Guns N’ Roses becomes the first ’90s video to pass a billion views on YouTube. The next closest ’90s video is “Zombie” by…

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thebuzzr | music trivia | the week coming up

thebuzzr Independent Music Coverage Music Trivia the week coming up #gunsnroses #RIP#jimmorrison #thedoors #ABBA #katyperry #davidbowie #ledzeppelin #prince July 2, 1991 At a Guns N’ Roses show in St. Louis, Axl Rose grows irate when he sees someone in the crowd taking pictures, and he leaves the stage, announcing, “Thanks to the lame-ass security, I’m…

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thebuzzr | music trivia | the week coming up

thebuzzr Independent Music Coverage Music Trivia the week coming up Sad week in music. Lost the great Clarence Clemons of E Street & Fred Astaire. And The Beatles began their final tour. 🧡🎶 … #blink182 #tomdelonge #RIP #clarenceclemons #estreetband #brucespringsteen #caroleking #neilyoung #longplayingvinyl #RIP #fredastaire #raycharles #thebeatles June 17, 2016 Tom DeLonge reveals his true…

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thebuzzr | music trivia | the week coming up

thebuzzr Independent Music Coverage thebuzzr | music trivia the week coming up #journey #PeterGabriel #Sting #WhitneyHouston #StevieWonder #freenelsonmadela #BruceSpringsteen #JacksonBrowne #JamesTaylor #LindaRonstadt #Gary”U.S.”Bonds #nonukesmovement #AlanisMorissette #TheBeatles #JimmyPage #LedZeppelin #Spirit #KatyPerry #DavidBowie June 10, 2007 In the last scene of the HBO series The Sopranos, “Don’t Stop Believin’” by Journey plays on the jukebox while Tony…

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thebuzzr | music trivia | the week coming up

thebuzzr Music Trivia the week coming up May 20, 2006 The Finnish band Lordi won the Eurovision Song Contest – the first heavy metal band ever to do so. May 21, 1965 Ten years into the Rock Era, it looks like it’s here to stay. Time magazine reports on the rock revival with the cover…

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