music history

thebuzzr | music trivia | the week coming up

thebuzzr Independent Music Coverage Music Trivia the week coming up in music #pinkfloyd #eddievedder #worldseries #monstermash #queen #bohemianrhapsody #vanillaice #bobdylan #thebeachboys #aerosmith #firstevergig October 29, 1983 Pink Floyd’s Dark Side Of The Moon album breaks the record for most weeks on the Billboard albums chart when it eclipses Johnny’s Greatest Hits by Johnny Mathis with…

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thebuzzr | music trivia | the week coming up

thebuzzr Independent Music Coverage Music Trivia the week coming up in music #RIP #tompetty #RIP #janisjoplin #thebeachboys #schoolofrock #dollyparton #playboy #prince #therollingstones #bobdylan #paulmccartney #neilyoung #rogerswaters #thewho October 1, 1962  The Beach Boys release their first album, Surfin’ Safari, which includes their debut single, “Surfin’.” The album climbs to #32 in the US. October 2,…

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thebuzzr | music trivia | the week coming up

thebuzzr Independent Music Coverage Music Trivia the week coming up in music #RIP #jamesdean #nirvana #tompettyandtheheartbreakers #lastconcert #rockyhorrorpictureshow #meatloaf #metallica #RIP #cliffburton #garthbrooks #billboardcharts #merlehaggard #thebeachboys September 24, 1991 Nirvana’s breakthrough album Nevermind is released. September 25, 2017 At the Hollywood Bowl in Los Angeles, Tom Petty & the Heartbreakers play their last concert, as…

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thebuzzr | music trivia | the week coming up

thebuzzr Independent Music Coverage Music Trivia the week coming up in music #RIP #johnnyramone #theramones #nirvana #johnmellencamp #themonkees #kimfowley #ericclapton #johnlennon #ledzeppelin September 10, 1991 Nirvana’s “Smells Like Teen Spirit” is released as a single, forever changing the musical meaning of the word “Alternative.” September 11, 1982 John Mellencamp becomes the first male solo artist…

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thebuzzr | music trivia | the week coming up

thebuzzr Independent Music Coverage Music Trivia the week coming up in music #RingoStarr #TheBeatles #SystemOfADown #Metallica #SanFranciscoSymphonyOrchestra #EltonJohn #PrincessDiana #KeithMoon #RIP #TheWho #ChuckBerry #Nirvana #MTV September 3,  1968  Ringo returns to The Beatles after quitting in frustration during the White Album sessions. He finds his drum kit covered in flowers. September 4, 2001  System Of…

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