music experts

thebuzzr | music history | the week coming up

April 10 • 1970: Paul McCartney announces he quit The Beatles April 11 • 1970: The single “Let It Be” by The Beatles hits number one April 12 • 2000: Napster Inc. is sued by Metallica April 15 • 1996: Half of the late Jerry Garcia’s ashes are scattered by the Golden Gate Bridge April…

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guitar lessons | Kevin Estrella, Pyramids on Mars™ | Complex Melodies – J. S. Bach

J S Bach Well-Tempered Clavier Inspired Melody (Paradigmskifte) Description: A transcription of the melodic section in the song ‘Paradigmskifte’ by Pyramids on Mars™ Section influenced by the Well-Tempered Clavier Prelude in C Minor. (Recording included at the end of the lesson) In this exercise we look at how a pedal tone type of melodic phrasing can be…

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guitar lessons | Kevin Estrella, Pyramids on Mars™ | Diatonic 7th Arpeggio Melody

Description: This is a 3-String Arpeggio using the Dominant7th and Major7th voicing. It is a favourite arpeggio used by guitarist Jason Becker. Kevin show how to create very beautiful and melodic sequences using just two fingerings and discuss their applications. Lesson here. Kevin is the guitarist and composer of instrumental rock band Pyramids on Mars™. His music is hard…

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thebuzzr | music history | the week coming up

April 3 • 1969: Jim Morrison turns himself over to the FBI in Los Angeles and is charged with six counts of lewd behavior and public exposure at a concert in Miami • 2008: Apple becomes the number one music seller in the United States April 4 • 1968: Jimi Hendrix, B.B. King and Buddy Guy…

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thebuzzr | music history | the week ahead

March 27 1986: Sammy Hagar debuts as lead singer of Van Hale April 1 • 1948: Jimmy Cliff is born • 1984: Marvin Gaye is shot to death by his father during an argument, one day before his 45th birthday April 2 • 1939: Marvin Gaye is born • 1999: A fan files suit against…

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