music experts

guitar lessons | Kevin Estrella, Pyramids On Mars™ | Dom7th – Major7th Symmetrical Scale (Dream Division)

Description (by Kevin Estrella) We take apart a riff from the song Dream Division by Pyramids on Mars. This riff is based on a chord transition from B Dominant 7th to A# Major 7th. This is based on a Symmetrical scale. We will learn both the Dominant7th and Major7th Symmetrical scales, and then apply the “pentatonic picking pattern.”…

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thebuzzr | guitar lessons | Kevin Estrella, Pyramids On Mars™ | Bach 6/8 Time Melody on 1-String

Description (by Kevin Estrella) I show a 6/8 time melodic pattern commonly used by Bach and weave it into a melody. We then go a little deeper and I show how Bach would use a melodic pattern that would use the last note of the melody to spell out a chord. Most often the Dom7th is spelled…

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thebuzzr | music history | the week coming up

June 25 •   1984: Prince’s album Purple Rain sets a record when 1.3 million copies are sold in one day June 27 •   1971: New York’s Fillmore East, the heralded rock venue, is closed •   1989: At New York’s Radio City Music Hall, The Who perform their rock opera Tommy in its entirety for the…

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guitar lessons | Kevin Estrella, Pyramids On Mars™ | Bach ‘Turnaround’

Description (by Kevin Estrella) A ‘turnaround’ used by Bach, inspired by the Brandenburg Concertos, by J S Bach. A turnaround is similar to a ‘cadence’ (V – I chord progression). It is a melody that carries a chord progression transitioning from the V chord back to the I chord. This melody can be used to replace diminished…

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thebuzzr | music history | the week coming up

June 5 •   1971: Grand Funk Railroad sell out Shea Stadium in 72 hours (less time than The Beatles) •   1983: With Barry Fey promoting the show, U2 records Live at Red Rocks: Under a Blood Red Sky, later included in Rolling Stone’s “50 Moments that Changed Rock and Roll” June 6 •   1990: 2…

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