Kevin Estrella

guitar lessons | Kevin Estrella, Pyramids on Mars™, Legato Ricochet 1-String Technique

Lesson Description: A 1-String legato phrase in the style of Joe Satriani, that uses the ricochet effect. We will look at doing this ascending and descending for use on all strings. Lesson here. Kevin is the guitarist and composer of instrumental rock band Pyramids on Mars™. His music is hard rock, industrial, and metal infused with lead guitar…

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Influences Behind the Music: Kevin Estrella Pyramids on Mars, Aquarian Radio: Sacred Matrix

Blog Talk Radio segment, Sacred Matrix~Hosts Janet & Dr. Sasha Lessin talk with Kevin Estrella on Aquarian Radio about his music, and the influences behind it. Kevin is the guitarist and composer of the instrumental rock band Pyramids on Mars. Hard rock, industrial, and metal infused with lead guitar melodies inspired by violin melodies of…

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guitar lessons | Kevin Estrella, Pyramids on Mars™ | Legato Ricochet Descending Slide

Lesson: String descending legato phrase in the style of Joe Satriani that uses the ricochet effect. Lesson can be viewed here. Kevin is the guitarist and composer of instrumental rock band Pyramids on Mars™. His music is hard rock, industrial, and metal infused with lead guitar melodies inspired by violin melodies of Baroque classical composers…

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thebuzzr podcast | Kevin Estrella, Pyramids on Mars™ – FULL EPISODE

Hamilton Ontario based band Pyramids on Mars™ joins thebuzzr indie podcast.  Kevin Estrella talks about his music, the creative influences behind the unique other-worldly of his sound and other great stuff. Pyramids on Mars™ is instrumental rock guitarist Kevin Estrella. He combines progressive rock, metal with Baroque Classical influences of J.S Bach and Antonio Vivaldi. Kevin…

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guitar lessons | Kevin Estrella, Pyramids on Mars™ | Lydian Symmetrical Scale

Description: Learning the Lydian mode but using a symmetrical scale fingering.Two different ways will be shown. This is the mode favored by guitarists like Joe Satriani, Steve Vai, and Nuno Bettencourt. The video can be viewed here. Kevin is the guitarist and composer of instrumental rock band Pyramids on Mars™. His music is hard rock, industrial, and…

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