
guitar lessons | Kevin Estrella, Pyramids On Mars™ | Dom7th – Major7th Symmetrical Scale (Dream Division)

Description (by Kevin Estrella) We take apart a riff from the song Dream Division by Pyramids on Mars. This riff is based on a chord transition from B Dominant 7th to A# Major 7th. This is based on a Symmetrical scale. We will learn both the Dominant7th and Major7th Symmetrical scales, and then apply the “pentatonic picking pattern.”…

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guitar lessons | Kevin Estrella, Pyramids on Mars™ | Bach Inspired Melody

Description (by Kevin Estrella) A melody I created in E Harmonic Minor inspired by Bach and Vivaldi. Having spent years listening to their music, I have gained incite into the philosophy of how Bach and Vivaldi build melodies. I ‘break the code’ for you so you can begin to create your own more complex melodic lines using…

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guitar lessons | Kevin Estrella, Pyramids On Mars™ | Building Melodic Themes from Arpeggios

Building Melodic Themes from Arpeggios (Spectre of Orion Chorus) Description (by Kevin Estrella) We look at the chorus of ‘Spectre of Orion’ by Pyramids on Mars. I show how I take a very dissonant chord progression (tri-tones) and put together a melody using arpeggios. By finding common notes shared among the chords we can put together a…

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guitar lessons | Kevin Estrella, Pyramids on Mars™, Legato Ricochet 1-String Technique

Lesson Description: A 1-String legato phrase in the style of Joe Satriani, that uses the ricochet effect. We will look at doing this ascending and descending for use on all strings. Lesson here. Kevin is the guitarist and composer of instrumental rock band Pyramids on Mars™. His music is hard rock, industrial, and metal infused with lead guitar…

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guitar lessons | Violin Inspired Melodies/Ricochet Sweep Picking Arpeggios – Kevin Estrella, Pyramids on Mars™

Description Violin inspired arpeggios using 4 strings. We will look at a chord sequence that uses voicings for the Major – Dom7th – Major7th – Minor arpeggios. This also incorporates the ricochet effect that binds it all together. A solo inspired by violin voicings. He shows how you can create a solo using arpeggios combined with pedal tones to make…

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