Music Trivia

thebuzzr | music trivia | coming up December 26 to January 2023

thebuzzr Independent Music Coverage Music Trivia coming up in music Dec 26 – January 2023 #ledzeppelin #thebritishinvasion #showboat #RIP #denniswilson #merlehaggard #jimcroce #franksinatra #rodstewart #johnnycash #dickclark #georgeharrison December 26, 1968 Led Zeppelin first US tour begins in Denver. They’re the opening act for Vanilla Fudge. The British Invasion bands (The Beatles, The Who, The Rolling…

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thebuzzr | music trivia | the week coming up

thebuzzr Independent Music Coverage Music Trivia the week coming up in music #RIP #bobbydarin #thesimpsons #areosmith #sting #davematthewsband #johnnypaycheck #elvispresley #gunsandroses #nikkisixx #motleycrue #poison December 17, 1989 The Simpsons debuts on Fox with the episode “Simpsons Roasting on an Open Fire.” The show quickly attracts big-name guest stars, including many musicians. In Season 3, Michael…

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thebuzzr | music trivia | the week coming up

thebuzzr Independent Music Coverage Music Trivia the week coming up in music #RIP #GeorgeHarrison #Bob Dylan #Neil Young #Eric Clapton #Joni Mitchell, #Van Morrison #Neil Diamond #Ronnie Hawkins #JohnLennon #TheBeatles #MichaelJackson #TheSexPistols #musicthrowback November 25, 1976 Bob Dylan, Neil Young, Eric Clapton, Joni Mitchell, Van Morrison, Neil Diamond, The Staple Singers, Ronnie Hawkins, and Dr….

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thebuzzr | music trivia | the week coming up

thebuzzr Independent Music Coverage Music Trivia the week coming up in music #RIP #MichaelHutchence #INX #RIP #davidcassidy #RIP #halketchum #snoopdogg #thewho #keithmoon #themidnightspecial #inconcert #chuckberry #alicecooper #bloodsweatandtears #theallmanbrothersband #poco #alicecooper #MTV November 19, 2018 Snoop Dogg gets a star on the Hollywood Walk Of Fame. In his speech, he thanks himself, inspiring the title track…

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thebuzzr | music trivia | the week coming up

thebuzzr Independent Music Coverage Music Trivia the week coming up in music #madonna #eaglesofdeath #sonnyandcher #davidletterman #TLC #starship #theeagles #nirvana November 12, 1984 With Chic frontman Nile Rodgers producing, Madonna releases her second studio album, Like A Virgin, her first #1 on the US albums chart. November 13, 2015 The blues-rock band Eagles of Death…

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