Whale Tonal Language With Kevin Estrella From Quantum Hologram Matrix
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BioHost Kevin Estrella has been welcomed deep into the UFO community after having his own first-hand encounter with something not of this world. He has now begun speaking publicly and has been a featured guest on over 40 UFO radio talk shows.
“Pyramids on Mars is the embodiment of who I am. I have always had a passion for UFOs, Extra-terrestrials. I have spent over 20 years researching to understand why they are here. I wanted to combine my passion for music with raising consciousness and awareness of the UFO and Extraterrestrial presence. I feel it is my calling.”
This calling was affirmed on August 21, 2014, when Kevin had contact with an inter-dimensional craft of unearthly origin.
Through investigation by M.U.F.O.N., verification through local sources, and consultation with UFOlogist Grant Cameron, my sighting was authenticated. It was verified he was the only one who had contact with the craft; the beings were in direct contact with me.