The reptilian group discussed referred to as “The Controllers” are a reptilian race indigenous to planet Earth. Not ‘all reptilians are bad’. There is an abundance of reptilian Star Nations throughout the galaxies that are highly evolved, benevolent spiritual beings millions of years more advanced than Earth Humans. We cannot judge one group as reflecting on the whole.
Kevin Estrella of the band Pyramids on Mars speaks about his personal experiences and relationship with the Pontee. Zeta Star Nations from the planet P’ntl (Pontel), 5th planet orbiting Zeta Reticuli II.
Kevin has had ET contact for many years but developed a very personal relationship with a group that is using Twitter @Sandiawisdom.
Kevin has regular visits by P’ntl and is demystifying a lot of misconceptions people have about their people. He discusses the mainstream media conceptions of what people think the Grey / Zetas are.
Kevin explains that the Zeta’s/Grey beings Earth Humans believe are abducting people against their will, these aliens are grown in laboratories here on Earth, used in MILAB military-controlled abductions.
To create fear, and ‘demonize’ the true Extraterrestrials here on Earth and have been here for millennia who are Guardians, overseeing the spiritual and consciousness development of humanity. The real Star Nation Zeta’s make contact with only those who have given their permission. They have strict rules of protocol. 1) Cause no fear 2) Do no harm 3) Leave no trace Twitter @Sandiawisdom.
Website: www.Officialfirstcontact.com Kevin’s Website: www.pyramidsonmars.com If you want to have ET contact, download the Telepathy 101 Primer, and practice practice practice. You WILL have contact.
Pyramids on Mars UFO Radio Host Kevin Estrella has been welcomed deep into the UFO community after having his own first-hand encounter with something not of this world. He has now begun speaking publicly and has been a featured guest on over 15 UFO radio talk shows.
Kevin is the guitarist and composer of the instrumental rock band Pyramids on Mars™.
Kevin has always had a passion for and has spent over twenty years researching to understand why they are here. He wanted to combine his passion for music with raising consciousness and awareness of the UFO and Extraterrestrial presence. He felt it was always his purpose in life.
The affirmation of this calling came on August 21, 2014, when he had contact with an inter-dimensional craft of unearthly origin.
Image credit Pyramids on Mars™