On October 26, 2004, Apple introduced the U2 Special Edition iPod as part of a cooperative between Apple, U2, and Universal Music Group. The new U2 iPod held up to 5,000 songs and featured a red Click Wheel and custom engraving of U2 band member signatures.
The iPod was being introduced as the band dropped their current album How to Dismantle an Atomic Bomb.
Larry Mullen, Jr., formerly a 14-year-old pupil at Mount Temple Comprehensive School, placed a notice on the school’s notice board in pursuit of artists for an original band—six people answered.
U2 has released 13 studio albums and is one of the world’s best-selling music artists of all time, having sold over 170 million records.
As a young teen in Dublin, the artist formerly known as Paul Hewson was a member of the street gang called ‘Lypton Village.’ His companions started calling him Bono Vox after the district hearing-aid store Bonavox (Latin for ‘good voice’). They have recognized him as Bono ever since.
The Edge created the theme song for Season 1 and 2 of the animated television series The Batman.
They have received 22 Grammy Awards.
The Joshua Tree became the fastest-selling album in British chart history and led the Billboard 200 in the United States for nine successive weeks.
In 1987, U2 became the fourth rock band featured on the cover of Time magazine, following The Beatles, The Band, and The Who.