thebuzzr Independent Music Coverage

Branding & Marketing

YouTube Channels Rolling Out!

Hi y’all, 

YouTube has begun the rollout to choose your channel name. This is huge for branding. A handle is unique and once chosen it can’t be used by any other artist/band/anyone on YouTube. Think @artistname on Instagram or Facebook – very stellar news for marketing.

Good news for thebuzzr branding. My handle is now @thebuzzr 🙂 Very please with that! I have attached a screenshot of a popup notice that occurs when the channel handle is selected and approved.

Notice from YouTube below. 

Reach out in DMs if you have any questions and are looking for feedback on what that means for your music. Always here as a resource.

From YouTube:

What is a YouTube handle? A YouTube handle is a new way for people to find you and connect with you. Unlike channel names, handles are unique to each creator, making it easier for you to establish a distinct presence on YouTube.

Handles & channel URLsYour new handle will become a part of your channel URL. In most cases, your personalized URL will become your handle. You can use your handle to direct people to your channel when they’re not on YouTube. For example, if your handle is @user123, your channel URL will be

Where will my handle appear?

We’re rolling out handles gradually to all channels over the next few weeks. Once it has been rolled out to all users, your handle will begin appearing in a few places across YouTube, including: • The Shorts tab • Search results • Comments and mentions In some places, we will start showing your handle alongside your channel name, such as your channel page. In the future, you may see your handle shown in even more places across YouTube. Learn more about handles.