thebuzzr Independent Music Coverage

Release Date: 23/09/22 Location: London, United Kingdom

The Great Leslie 'All Good Things'

About the Song

All Good Things’ defines life as a state of constant change, making life and change synonymous with each other, solidifying life’s finality. It is a helping hand to those who are bereft of their past happiness, attempting to help them accept that all good things come to an end by saying that nothing is constant and that all things end, good and bad. I wrote the song in an attempt to capture life’s beauty with the use of nostalgia, as nostalgia is more often than not simultaneously happy and sad. After finishing the first draft I showed the band and from there we developed and arranged it together. Freddie’s lead guitar line really hit home when he finalised what he wanted to play, which elevated the feeling of reminiscence. When we were in the studio the song evolved even more so.



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