Band/artist: Pyramids on Mars Album Title: Cosmic Angels Release Date: May 31, 2022 Location: Hamilton ON, CANADA Musical Genre – Melodic Instrumental Rock, Rock, Progressive Rock, Hard Rock
Album Length – 9 songs – 44 minutes Album Influences: Joe Satriani, Rush, Tool, Type O Negative, Pink Floyd
On Cosmic Angels or any of my albums, the emphasis is on song writing and telling a story. I am more influenced by power trios like Rush, Tool and Led Zeppelin. Not one instrument is more important than the other. There is a symbiotic relationship between guitar, bass and drums. The emphasis is not just on the lead guitar melody, but on the band as a whole. Lead melody harmonic variations on repeating themes are strongly utilized; like rhyming phrases in spoken language that allows easier accurate retelling of the original story. This idea of repeating music phrases/themes so the audience can easily recall it and hum it all the way home.
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